From left: Elin Jacobsen, Ása Jacobsen, Kim S.G. Bergkvist, Amanda Vang, Heidi S. Mortensen, Margreta Dam


Located at Research Park iNOVA, the biotechnology department represents the laboratory arm of Firum where we provide services and develop research projects related to sustainable aquaculture. The department has a core competence in quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), Next generation sequencing, and ELISA-based methods (see Methods for a complete description of our infrastructure and routine methods).

We work in several overlapping areas in order to: promote on-land production of robust salmon and lumpfish; reduce the impact of stress, infection, and damage during the at-sea stage; and protect the biodiversity of the fjords. (see Research Projects for a complete description of our current research). Biotech also conducts post-screening of lice counts in the Fish Farming System and at Firum.

We have a close working relationship with the Faroese aquaculture industry and are well-positioned to act as a strong partner in international consortiums and multi-center research projects. Expanding our international network is important to us, so please feel free to contact us if you are interested in the work we do and/or a potential partnership.  You can find CVs and interests for our staff below:


Name Position Telephone Email
Amanda Vang Head of Department, Cellular Biologist, PhD +298 77 47 67
Ása Jacobsen Biologist, PhD +298 77 47 48
Eirikur Danielsen Biologist, BSc, PG.Dip. +298 77 47 56
Elin Egholm Laboratory technician +298 77 47 14
Heidi S. Mortensen PhD student, MSc +298 774 765
Margreta Dam Laboratory technician +298 77 47 06