
The existing statutes for Firum (P/F Fiskaaling) are from 2009. Firum agrees to operate in accordance with the instructions of the law.


The main focus for Firum’s operations was further detailed in 2018, when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Industry, and Firum, signed a new contract. This contract aims to produce knowledge for enduring aquaculture in the Faroe Islands. It is also part of the government’s efforts to implement the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.


For the duration of the current contract of 2021-2023 Firum (P/F Fiskaaling) is to maintain focus on research, development and advice within certain areas, pertaining to:

  • Improved utilisation of aquaculture fiords,
  • Fish welfare
  • Dissemination of lice and infectious disease


See also:

Law of the Løgting to increase share capital in P/F Fiskaaling

Statutes for P/F Fiskaaling